Topical areas
In food legislation, the companies are divided into registered food premises or approved food establishments. The requirements for the control of circumstances/hygiene differs between the mentioned food premises, but the product-safety requirements are the same for all. This is why the topical areas to be inspected partly differ from each other.
The issues that must be checked have been collected into topical areas. By clicking on the title, you can see the individual items forming a specific topical area. A specific item will be checked, if the relevant company is engaged in such operations.
1Own-check activities or Compliance with approval requirements
In registered food premises:
Every food business operator should plan their own-check activities. The inspector inspects that own-check activities are up to date and that they are suitable for the food business in question.
In approved food establishments:
The facilities, equipment and activities as well as the quality of water being used are inspected with respect to the approval requirements of the establishment. Also the planned own-check activities are inspected with respect to the general requirements.
2Suitability, adequacy and maintenance of facilities and equipment or Maintenance of facilities and appliances
In registered food premises:
The facilities should be adequate for selling, serving or production of foodstuffs. The suitability and maintenance of structures and surfaces are inspected in this topical area.
In approved food establishments:
The maintenance of the facilities, structures, surfaces, equipment and appliances are inspected in this topical area. Emphasis is put on facilities where unpackaged foodstuffs are handled.
3Cleanliness of facilities, surfaces and equipment
In registered food premises:
This topical area is to do with the daily activities in the facilities as well as the hygiene level in the facilities. The cleanliness and maintenance of facilities, appliances and equipment is inspected. Also issues to do with pest control, waste and waste water can be inspected.
In approved food establishments:
This topical area is to do with the daily activities in the facilities as well as the hygiene level in the facilities. The cleanliness and maintenance of facilities, appliances and equipment is inspected. Also issues to do with pest control, waste and waste water can be inspected.
4Actions and training of personnel
Hygienic ways of working are essential when foodstuffs are being handled.
These issues are inspected in both the registered premises and the approved establishments.
The hygienic work practices of the personnel, hand hygiene and work clothing are inspected in this topical area. Also issues to do with training and hygiene proficiency can be inspected.
5Hygiene of food production or handling or Hygiene of food production
Risk management is important in the production of foodstuffs.
In registered food premises:
Risk management of food production and packaging of foodstuffs are inspected.
In approved establishments:
General hygiene of production, separation of different hygiene level operations from each other, hygiene of taps and appliances using water, hygiene of defrosting, cooling and deep-freezing, hygiene of wrapping and packaging, hygiene of storing and storage as well as hygiene of handling and storing of by-products are inspected.
6Food temperature management
Foodstuffs and their raw materials are to be stored correctly so that they are safe for use. Temperatures are an issue to consider constantly in the handling of foodstuffs.
In registered food premises:
Cold food is to remain cold and hot is to remain hot at all times. As well as storage temperatures other issues to do with the shelf-life of a foodstuff are looked at. Also the cooling of foodstuffs, which should be done correctly and adequately fast especially for easily perishable foodstuffs, is inspected.
In approved food establishments:
The temperature control of cooled facilities, production processes of foodstuffs as well as the temperature controls of deep-freezed and frozen foodstuffs are inspected in this topical area. The temperature control of water used for disinfection of utensils and equipment as well as the temperature of carcasses being dispatched are also inspected.
7Sale and serving
This topical area is inspected only in registered food premises.
In food premises for selling and serving consumers can choose and pick the products themselves, for example at a self-service buffet in a restaurant or salad bar and meat and fish counters in a shop. The temperatures, selling and serving times as well as the separation of foodstuffs are inspected in this topical area.
8Special requirements applicable to food production
This topical area is inspected only in approved food establishments.
The special requirements applicable to food production are to do with the handling of TSE risk material, the cleanliness of carcasses, the production of minced meat, meat preparations and mechanically separated meat as well as the production of dried reindeer meat. Also parasite checks and freezing of fishery products as well as the quality control of the raw material for egg products are inspected in this topical area.
9Receipt of animals and information pertaining to animals
This topical area is inspected only in approved food establishments when animals are handled.
Register queries, food chain information, transport of animals, tagging and identification, records of and separation of animals received at the slaughterhouse are inspected in this topical area.
10Substances causing allergies or intolerances
This topical area is inspected in both registered food premises and approved food establishments.
The focus is to inspect that foodstuffs or foods being served do not contain any substances not included in the recipe due to storage, production or serving. Substances and ingredients that can cause allergic symptoms or symptoms for people with coeliac disease are the target of the inspection. These substances and ingredients, which are defined in the legislation, are for example grains containing gluten such as wheat as well as milk, fish, eggs and nuts.
This topical area is inspected in food premises selling and serving foodstuffs if the consumer is informed, either in writing or verbally, that the foodstuff is suitable for people on a gluten-free diet or specific diet due to allergies. This area is inspected in other food premises when the food business operator produces foodstuffs, has foodstuffs produced or packages foodstuffs.
11Composition of foodstuffs
This topical area is inspected in both registered food premises and approved food establishments.
This topical area is inspected when a food business operator uses, produces, has foodstuffs produced or imports foodstuffs. The use of additives, flavourings and enzymes, nutritional fortification as well as the control of foreign substances and possible novel food ingredients are inspected through random sampling. It is also inspected if the food business operator has done the necessary notifications of placing food supplements and nutritionally fortified foodstuffs on the market.
12Special requirements for specific food products
This topical area is inspected in both registered food premises and approved food establishments.
The composition of foodstuffs is inspected through random sampling when the food business operator uses, produces, has foodstuffs produced and imports food supplements, foodstuffs intended for special groups such as infant formulae and follow-on formulae, baby foods, foods for special medical purposes or total diet replacements for weight control. Also the composition of berry and fruit preparations and labelling according to specific legislation are inspected in this area.
13Information provided on foods
Labelling of a foodstuff provides information to the consumer about the foodstuff itself as well as its raw materials, origin and nutritional value.
This topical area is inspected in both registered food premises and approved food establishments.
Labelling is inspected when the food business operator produces foodstuffs, has foodstuffs produced or packages foodstuffs. This area is also inspected if unpackaged foodstuffs are sold in a shop or the operator sells packaged foodstuffs that they themselves import. Nutritional labelling used in marketing of a foodstuff are also inspected in this area.
14Packaging materials and food contact materials
This topical area is inspected in both registered food premises and approved food establishments.
This area is inspected when a food business operator handles foodstuffs, produces foodstuffs, has foodstuffs produced, stores, packs, imports (from the internal market or from third countries) foodstuffs or supplies foodstuffs to other operators. The inspections focus on packaging and other materials that come into contact with foodstuffs as well as machinery, equipment, utensils and other ware (for ex. dishes, tools, disposable gloves).
15Transport of foods or Transport of foods and by-products
In registered food premises:
Inspections focus on the temperatures required for incoming or outgoing foodstuffs. This area is inspected when the food business operator transports foods or is responsible for a separate transport service which is not classified as a separate food premises. Temperatures are inspected when the transported foodstuffs require cold or hot storage temperatures.
In approved food establishments:
Inspections focus on the temperatures required for incoming or outgoing foods. Commercial documentation of the transport, transport circumstances and control of transport temperatures of foodstuffs and by-products are inspected. The salmonella results of egg production are also inspected in this topical area.
16Traceability and recalls
This topical area is inspected in both registered food premises and approved food establishments.
Traceability means that the food business operator knows where the raw materials and ready products have come from. It is important to identify this route one step backwards as well as one step forwards. The traceability requirements of meat and fish are also inspected. The functionality of recalls is inspected as well.
Abiding by the rules of low-risk operations are also inspected in registered food premises.
Preparedness as regards to special situations is inspected in approved food establishments. Among these situations are for example power cuts, unexpected disturbances of water quality, breaking down of a production line or fire in the premises.
17Food testing
In registered food premises:
Own-check activities often include sampling to ensure cleanliness and microbiological quality. The inspection focuses on if sampling has been done and if the right and corrective measures have been made.
In approved food establishments:
The inspections focus on own-check analyses of process hygiene issues and analyses to do with the safety of foodstuffs as well as the corrective measures taken on the basis of these results. It is also inspected if own-check activities regarding certain pathogens, for ex. salmonella, EHEC, listeria and campylobacter, are carried out or if residues of medicinal products, mold toxins or foreign agents from the environment or process have been followed up.
18Display of the Oiva report
This topical area is inspected in both registered food premises and approved food establishments.
The consumers have to be able to get acquainted with the Oiva report before deciding to patronise a certain food business. The inspection focuses on whether the Oiva report is displayed adequately for the consumers to observe it.