Oivahymy.fi search function
When the food control authority has previewed and approved the Oiva report and sent it, it will be automatically published on the www.oivahymy.fi website within 10 days. The Oiva reports are published as the inspections are conducted. The Oiva report will be sent eight working days after conducting the inspection (Evira RegulationNo. 2/2016).
If the operator detects or suspects an error in the Oiva report, the operator must contact the food control authority who conducted the inspection without delay in order to clarify the matter. The Oiva report is not an administrative decision, but any errors must be rectified. Only a representative of the food control unit who conducted the inspection has the authority to change the information contained in the Oiva report.
If the inspector has stated during the inspection that there is a need to use coercive administrative measures, the food industry operator is entitled to voice its opinion pursuant to section 34 of the Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) in connection with a hearing and later an appeal.